Week 3 Life’s Master Key a work in progress.

My excitement grows as I continue my journey into unlocking the treasures of my inner self. I am amazed at the power I possess that I have been unaware of. Things I did not believe I had the power to change I have found that when I challenge myself the answers appear and the route to change is directing me to success.

There have been challenges that have tried to derail my progress: The extra focus on family has been distracting; the extra amount of pressure at the office has been, at times, over demanding overwhelming; and the new processes have added a new dimension to my existence. All this on top of keeping grounded with the priorities of God and family.

All of this has resulted in a greater enthusiastic Steve coming up to the surface of a very stubborn outer self.  This has resulted in shattering my ingrained myths I have developed over the years that have enveloped me, stopping me from being the best Steve I can be. I am living a healthier physical and mental life. I can focus on my Pivotal Personal Needs of True Health and Spiritual Growth.

The feel the excitement growing and taking over my old habits while a learn new positive habits that are pushing me to attain my goals. I hope to be a positive model for all those that take a part in my journey. Thank you for coming along for the ride that has been my life’s journey.

God Bless.

Steve Calcagno

A unique individual man in training.

3 thoughts on “Week 3 Life’s Master Key a work in progress.

  1. “This has resulted in shattering my ingrained myths I have developed over the years that have enveloped me, stopping me from being the best Steve I can be.” There is always room to change; love this process and the growth we are all seeing in each other and in ourselves!


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